What is the potential benefit of an electronic signature card?
We are going to offer E-SIGN agreements. We have a vendor with a turn-key application. Is that good enough to get us going?
How far back do you suggest we archive emails and other electronic communication under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure?
How far back do you suggest we archive emails and other electronic communication under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure?
Do web linking rules apply if a business has a link to us, and are we required to monitor this?
Can you provide a brief overview of E-SIGN's demonstrable consent and how this should be on our website?
We are going to offer E-SIGN agreements. We have a vendor with a turn-key application. Is that good enough to get us going?
If we send e-statements are we required to monitor whether they are being read, and if the customer is not opening them, do we have to revert back to paper?
If a customer has electronic statements, is the bank obligated to provide, at no charge, a printed statement to the customer upon their request?
Is it legal to send Adverse Action notices by email?