What are email notice letters?
How do banks follow up on exceptions when staff are not able to print and mail paper notices?
Is there software that automatically manages loan participations?
We offer eStatements to customers, and send an email when the statement is available. Do we need to revert to paper statements in either of the two following situations? (1) If the email bounces back, (2) the customer does not access the e-statement? Do we increase our liability in any way if we do not monitor for either of these scenarios?
If a member is signed up for eStatements and the email notices bounce back for whatever reason do we have to deactivate the eStatement enrollment? Does it mean that we are not able to reach the member similar to returned mail statements?
We are getting ready to open accounts online. Do we require the signature card printed, signed, and returned to bank? Many banks do not. What are the legal concerns if we do not have a signature on file?
We offer e-statements to customers. When someone signs up, he is provided the Reg E disclosure electronically at that time. Do we need to have a link to the disclosure for future reference, and specifically, the Reg E part of reviewing a statement for errors? Would a link be sufficient for people to access at any time if the language is not included on each statement?
We are starting the process leading up to electronic statements. I asked that marketing offers be optional links. I would like compliance issues, such as notices of change, to be prominent either at the top of the statement page and/or appear automatically and require action on the part of the customer to move past the notice. I don't know yet what I will get. If we have the technology to obtain customer consent to receive electronic statements, I would think this would be a piece of cake. Of course, I am not a programmer. How are others handling this?
Assuming we still have a good customer mail address, should banks be concerned when the email notification to the customer regarding their estatement is returned?
My question is related to PART 205—ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFERS (REGULATION E) Section 205.17 Requirements for overdraft services. <i>(iv) Provides the consumer with confirmation of the consumer's consent in writing, or if the consumer agrees, electronically, which includes a statement informing the consumer of the right to revoke such consent.</i> For new accounts, will this requirement for confirmation be satisfied if the new account disclosures contain the appropriate language, or are we required to mail a separate confirmation to the customer who opts in after the fact?