What are the best procedures and forms to use to resolve an EFT error?
Are financial institutions required to send provisional and/or final credit notices to customers with ACH disputes under Regulation E? I'm asking because I have noticed that several banks are merely just crediting the customer's account without sending any type of notice to the customer. Also, when a customer disputes an ACH transaction under Regulation E, is the customer required to fill out an Affidavit Under Penalty of Perjury or is just a letter from the customer okay to dispute the ACH transaction?
What are the differences between EFT and Wire Transfers? What file formats are used by each?
I know this is a basic question but can someone explain stop payments that are subject to Reg E?
Are there any statue of limitations on a consumer filing a dispute in Reg E? The consumer comes in a year after the transactions (the first to the last transaction all occur within a 60 day period so unlimited liability would not apply) and wants to dispute the items as unauthorized. Does the institution have any defense or must they accept the loss?
Our policy is to request that customers submit their Reg E fraud claims in writing for signature based transactions on check cards. If the customer does not submit their claim in writing within ten days of being asked to do so, what is the time frame we must adhere to once the written claim is received? If the affidavit is received after the tenth day, does credit need to be issued within 24 hours of receiving that claim or do we have until day 90 to issue provisional credit?
Should we allow a foreign bank client to complete an ATM affidavit for a claim against our bank or refer the non-customer to their bank for the Reg E claim?
We have e-banking customers who do not want to get a paper or email statement because they view their account history online. Are we out of compliance if we stop sending email or printed statements?
What is the time frame for a consumer to file a Reg E claim?
We had approved and closed a Reg E claim prematurely and the merchant later represented with a copy of a receipt that bears our cardholder's signature. Can we now reverse our decision and debit the client's DDA? If so, do we have to send a new resolution letter?