If a Reg E claim is approved whether PIN-based or signature-based and we later determine that the transaction in question was completed by the cardholder, can we go back and deny? Claim closed and approved on 7/30/14; we found grounds for denial. The customer reported a purchase as unauthorized but merchandise was shipped to him directly.
Are business VISA debit card disputes covered under Reg E? Are financial institutions obligated to accept claims?
This question is in regards to Reg E. What constitutes proof to deny credit or reverse provisional credit under Reg E when a member files a dispute and claims transactions are unauthorized?
We have a husband and wife that are getting a divorce. The wife used the husband's debit card and now he wants to dispute the charges. We submitted the charge back and provisional credit was denied. We received documents from the merchant verifying the card info. Do we need to give him his money back and take the loss?
REG E- If provisional credit was provided to a customer and the merchant later credits the customer, is there a 5 business day window before provisional can be reversed?
We issue MasterCard debit cards. If a customer disputes a transaction where a PIN was used per Reg E and MasterCard, can we assess the $50.00 dollar liability? Card wasn't lost or stolen.
One of my members is disputing a transaction made with her debit card. The transaction came out of her account twice. Only the first transaction was authorized. I am being told that since it was not fraud it does not fall under Reg E guidelines. I believe they are wrong but I need proof. Please help.
Buried in the Equal Credit Opportunity title of the Consumer Credit Protection Act, sits a provision which requires the Federal Reserve Board to establish a Consumer Advisory Council ("CAC") to adv