Several bank regulations (Reg Z, B, M, etc.) have been amended to allow for and provide guidance for providing disclosures electronically. What about RESPA disclosures? Can we provide them electronically and if so, under what conditions?
Our bank is going to start offering online loan applications for customers to print, fill out and send in for home mortgages. Do we have to give any disclosures out on the Web site to customers printing up a loan application? We will also be taking applications for new accounts online. To stay in compliance with the CIP regulation, will they have to come into the bank for the account to be opened? Do we have to have the disclosures online or can they be given to the customer when the customer comes into the branch?
If you want to feel good about your institution, check out the written agreement between NAB Bank of Chicago, Illinois, the FRB of Chicago and the State of Illinois Office of Banks and Real Estate.
I am a mortgage broker. Certain local banks and credit unions want to refer loans to me. ...I could swear there used to be a RESPA checklist that outlined the things a person had to do in order to earn a fee, and of this list you had to do, I think, 5 of the entire list in order to legally earn a fee.
A ruling by the Treasury Department allowing banks to underwrite securities, sell real estate, provide technological developments and offer insurance has finally been issued.