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Stop Payments While eBanking
Should a request to stop payment on a check issued through a bill payment system be handled the same as a normal stop payment request or are there other considerations?
Address Changes Via Web Site
We allow our customers to complete a change of address form in the secure area of our online banking site. Do we also need to have a signed change of address form in addition to the customer making the request to change their address from the secure (password required) section of our online banking site?
Due Diligence For Service Providers
What do we need to do to satisfy the new due diligence requirements for service providers?
Email Retention
Can you give us some guidance on what our policies should be regarding retention of email, both sent and received? We have some employees who never delete anything, with the result that their email boxes crash occasionally. Lots of emails are just one sentence long and don’t really mean much. How do you decide what to keep and what to delete? Do you recommend printing out emails for retention purposes? Are there programs that allow you to search emails across a network?
Virus Protection Policy Violations
Does anyone have guidance for what should be the penalty for violation of your in-house virus protection policy? For example, our policy says employees can’t bring software from home and install it, but occasionally someone will do it anyway.