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Preauthorized EFTs & "Substantially Regular Intervals"
I am wondering if anyone has any knowledge of what the generally-accepted definition of "substantially regular intervals" is in terms of preauthorized EFTs under Reg E - is it at least every 60 days as is mentioned in 205.10(a)(1)?
Is it true that it is a requirement to have a legal agreement signed by the customer prior to the first e-statement going out?
Reg E Dispute
Can a Reg E dispute be closed and declined after 10 days due strictly to the lack of of the customer providing their dispute in writing?
Electronic Payments - Checking Accounts Only
We process electronic payments, both debit and credit transactions. When we sign customers up, are there any rules or regulations that prevent us from only allowing checking accounts to be used or do we have to disclose you may use either a checking or savings account?
Business Email Retention
Are there any specific guidelines regarding how long company/business email must be retained?