We use challenge questions when we don’t know the account holder on the telephone. Today a customer went wild yelling at our call center person for asking to many questions. We tried to explain that it was for his protection, he began to swear at us. I had the teller hang-up the phone could we have handled this better?
What are the annual U.S. losses to wire transfer fraud?
Working on the teller line I have decided I no longer want to handle someone who carries concealed weapons. How would be the best way for me to handle it at the teller line?
I work with a teller who scares me as she will tell the customer outright “no,” without explaining why. Today she told a person to get back into line as the transaction would take too much time as she was going on break! Should I go to management or wait until something happens?
Are most wire transfer frauds focused at businesses or consumers?
Have there been any recent changes to wire transfer fraud insurance that we should be aware of?
If we are doing everything recommended by the FFIEC, is our bank safe from loss if a fraud does occur?
Our wire transfer contract with business customers states that they are responsible for any fraud losses. Will this protect our bank?
I am currently dealing with an issue where my assistant branch manager provided a customer with images from our system that were related to a fender bender in our parking lot that involved another bank customer. She did not obtain approval from anyone to provide this information to our customer and as the security officer I would have kindly refused my customer's request. This incident has brought up the fact that perhaps we should have guidelines for our camera system users to adhere to in order to prevent future incidents like this.
Do you know of any institutions that have a policy or procedures for their security camera system (CCTV)? If so, can you share it with me or give me some guidance?
"What is the recommended schedule for the self-testing of your alarm system's communication to the monitoring center (i.e. landlines and/or cell back up)? The alarm system vendors seem to be all over the place on it."