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Online Customer Service Tips
Looking for online customer service tips.
Digital Signature Technology: Who is responsible?
What do we need to do to implement digital signature technology for our customers? Will the customers themselves work with third parties to establish their own digital signatures, or do they somehow need to work through us?
Improve Your Web Site Through Bookmarking
Do you think it's realistic for a bank to expect customers to make the bank's Web site their starting page?
Retinal Scan Technology for ATMs
I think I saw a news article regarding using an eye-scan or finger print identification pads on ATM machines as a way to prevent unauthorized transactions. Is this technology available and is it cost effective?
Online Commercial Access Concerns
Are there any special considerations or concerns involved in making online banking available to commercial customers? How do you limit access among the commercial customer's employees? How do you know for sure that someone has authority to transfer funds?