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Compliance Action, Volume 24, Number 12

April 30, 2020

Pandemic Relief Payments: How Regulation E is Affected

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

To address two questions related to Regulation E in connection with the economic impact payments (EIPs) the CFPB has issued an interpretative rule on the Treatment of Pandemic Relief Payments under Regulation E.

Reg D: Savings Account Limitations Eliminated

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

To provide consumers with more readily available access to funds, the Federal Reserve Board issued an Interim Final Rule to amend Regulation D to eliminate the required six per month withdrawal limits for savings and money market accounts.

Action Training
Let’s Be Objective

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

When scheduling employee training, establishing learning objectives can ensure that the training is effectively utilized and achieving the training goals of your institution.

SBA Payroll Protection Program Loans: Regulation O Impact

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

The Federal Reserve Board has issued an Interim Final Rule to clarify the treatment of SBA PPP loans to bank insiders under Regulation O.

Compliance Calendar

In the Editor's Opinion
What SHOULD We Be Complying With?

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

With frequent regulatory guidance and interim rulings being issued to address many of the challenges financial institutions and customers are facing during these unprecedented times, compliance officers are spending almost as much if not more time these days making determinations as to what NOT to comply with than what to comply with or how to comply with it.

Compliance Notes

Compliance Q & A

Compliance Online

Nancy Castiglione, CRCM
Editor Emeritus:
Lucy H. Griffin, Esq.
Board of Advisors:
John S. Byrne, Esq.
Cliff E. Cook
David Dickinson
Julie A. Gliha, MBA
Carl G. Pry
Susan Rich
Meg Sczyrba
Robert G. Rowe, III, Esq.
Andy Zavoina

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