We like to keep on top of the latest potential problems with Internet banking so we can learn from the mistakes of others and protect ourselves against make the same mistakes. Heard about any new ones lately?
Are you seeing an increase in the number of customers changing from traditional banking to online banking?
What can my financial institution expect once online banking is available?
We have an elderly customer who has a caregiver. One of the duties of the caregiver is to help the customer write checks for monthly bills. Recently, we've been concerned that the caregiver is perhaps helping herself, rather than helping the customer, because some of the checks are larger than normal and others are made out to payees that would be unusual for our depositor. We've tried talking with the customer, because we're alarmed at her rapidly decreasing balance, but she does not appear to be able or willing to stop the misuse of her funds. The customer has signed each item, but we still feel awful paying them because we believe she's being taken advantage of.The customer's grown children live out of state. We're tempted to call one of them to discuss the situation, but we can't do so because of financial privacy constraints. Any other suggestions?
We allow our customers to complete a change of address form in the secure area of our online banking site. Do we also need to have a signed change of address form in addition to the customer making the request to change their address from the secure (password required) section of our online banking site?
Are there any special considerations or concerns involved in making online banking available to commercial customers? How do you limit access among the commercial customer's employees? How do you know for sure that someone has authority to transfer funds?
If our Web server goes down and our customers are unable to access their accounts through our online banking, can we be liable to the customers?
We will be launching online banking in about 60 days. I would appreciate any ideas you might have for making our customers aware of it, promoting it outside the bank, getting people to try it.
Has anybody collected any demographic data on online banking customers? Is there a particular age group, education level or customer type which is more likely to use this technology?
We're in the process of choosing an online banking vendor. Can anyone who's been through it help us out by giving us the benefit of their thoughts on what they did right and what they wish they had done differently?