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Defining a SAR Subject vs. Victim
ATM cash withdrawals and CTRs
A customer came to the bank and withdrew $10,000 in cash, and then went to another financial institution's ATM and withdrew $400. Both transactions posted to the customer's account on the same business date. Do we need to file a CTR? If so, please explain why.
Auditing the Positive Pay process
I have been in our bank's treasury department for many years and never been part of, or seen, a Positive Pay audit. Our new auditor wants to put an audit process in place for it. What would be the compliance reason to perform an audit on Positive Pay?
Improving Detection of Deposit Fraud
We are a [redacted vendor name] bank using [redacted vendor name] AML software. We have noted an increase in small check fraud between $100.00 and $5,000.00 at our teller stations and ATM deposits. Currently, with manual reports worked daily and certain alerts within our software, we are able to catch the larger dollar amounts in check fraud. We want to know if any banks using the same software know of anything that could help us catch more of these smaller amounts in attempts to reduce loss, whether it be manual reports through our vendor, reports in [redacted], or parameters that can be changed in our vendor software.
Lockbox services and accelerated cash flow
How can lockbox services support accelerated cash flow for business customers?