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Getting ID info when cashing on-us checks
When a non-customer comes in to cash an on-us payroll check, we take their information from their driver's license or state-issued ID and enter it into our system. Are we legally able to ask for their Social Security number, considering they are non-customers?
To file or not to file: That is the question
I have a customer who cashed a check for $10,880.00 and, after cashing, told the teller to make three separate deposits of $2000.00 each into three different accounts for which the memkber is a joint owner. Because the teller kept the cash and made the deposits do we have to file a CTR? I believe if we had given the money to the member and the member had given the teller back $6,000, a CTR would be required. But because the $10,880 was not handed to the member, the only cash transaction would be the net payout of $4,880 from the teller to the member, and a CTR would not be required.
Challenges of fulfilling subpoenas for check payments
What challenges do banks face when fulfilling subpoena requests for check payments?
Lockbox digital portal
What is a lockbox digital portal?
Account service agreement for MSB accounts
I need suggestions for preparing an account service agreement for MSB accounts. We have a questionnaire attached to our applications to confirm transactions, etc., but lack a true service agreement beyond our standard commercial account agreement.