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What are the benefits of offering a comprehensive lockbox?
How do lockbox services benefit both your institutions and your business account holders?
Opportunity Knocks: New Bank-Fintech Relationships
The regulatory winds have shifted, and the Trump administration seems to be signaling that it is opening the door for fintechs to emerge in a more favorable regulatory environment.
Debit card logistics for banks without deposit account
I have two questions relating to debit cards: 1. Does a bank have to have an ABA routing number for debit cards to function? 2. Are banks with no public depositor service able to use internal accounts as private checking accounts with debit cards to pay bank taxes and order supplies?
Sole proprietor changing to LLC
We have a sole proprietorship DBA account under a Social Security number. The customer now has an LLC with an EIN. Do I need to change the account number or just update the signature card to reflect the LLC as the Primary and remove the DBA on the account?
Merchant credit after final credit from card issuer
We have seen an uptick in merchant credits for disputed transactions, and these credits areduplicated in the cardholder's account, (the bank's final credit and a merchant credit). My question is, are banks able to reverse merchant credits after the final credit has been supplied to the cardholder?