Our bank currently handles accounts for a mental institution which tracks accounts for its clients. It sort of serves as the custodian. The account is opened using the client's SSN, but he does not have access to the account and is not a signer. There has been a debate as to whether the client should be listed as an owner because we are using his Social. But my feelings are that if he is listed as an owner, he is automatically a signer, therefore having access to the account. Can you clarify the difference between owner and signer for us?
I had a customer asking about FDIC insurance coverage on a business account. Is the coverage the same as on a regular personal account, or are there some differences?
Can an executor/administrator of an estate appoint a POA?
If you have a custodian account for a minor, and the custodian is no longer able to conduct business because she is in a nursing home, can her power of attorney act on her behalf on the account?
We are planning to compile a deposit account manual for our personal bankers. We hope to include "how to" information on opening checking and savings accounts, as well as CDs and IRAs. Any recommendations on what should be included and sources of information will be greatly appreciated.
Can an individual IRA accountholder grant a Power of Attorney to a third party?
What about a person designated as POA setting up a joint account between himself and the individual for whom he has POA? The POA document does not contain durable POA language, is from another state and only states that the "attorney" can "do and perform all and every act...as she would do as present." The individual did not sign the signature card, only the person having POA. Is this legal?
I want to know where I could find information or guidelines regarding the fiduciary responsibilities and liabilities of the board of directors?
My wife was killed in a car accident. Her father opened a trust fund for our surviving children and named himself trustee without my consent. Is this legal?