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Responsibility for payment of counterfeit check
If we have a business customer that notified us that a check cashed against their account was "altered" and that check was determined to be a counterfeit, but the signature on the check reasonably matches the signature of the authorized signer (almost exactly), would we still be liable to credit our customer for the counterfeited check?
Types of document backlogs
What are two common types of document backlogs in banking?
Business debit card disputes
Since Reg E does not apply to businesses, do we have to investigate a fraudulent business debit card transaction?
Do we have to take a POA?
Do we have to accept a POA?
Charging NSF fee when returning ACH item
We have a savings account with an ACH that we are returning NSF. Can we charge the NSF fee if the ACH would have overdrawn the account?