With the increase in deposit insurance for certain retirement accounts, has the FDIC made changes to the official sign? If so, when do we need to have the new signage?
The FDIC has a new logo with the Deposit Insurance Reform Act 2005. Are banks required to purchase and display this new logo or will the original logo items still be acceptable?
For one month we would like to offer cash prizes for use of our bank’s ATMs. A $50 cash prize would be disbursed randomly at various ATMs. Can we do this or is this considered a lottery?
Are step children considered qualifying beneficiaries on living trust accounts?
We use an insurance agency to market a long term care insurance product to our bank customers written through Blue Cross Blue Shield. In our compliance exam we were cited for not including the required insurance disclosures on the marketing brochure that we include in our checking statements 2 or 3 times per year. The insurance agency provides the disclosure and obtains acknowledgement of receipt from our customers when the customer contacts the agency regarding the long term care policy. The agency maintains the records of the acknowledgements and we advised the examiners that these records were available for their review. Were we cited because we did not include the disclosures on our marketing brochure at least in a shortened form? What's your take on this? We did not get a good response from the examiner and he would not remove the citation even after we provided the info from the insurance agency.
by: Scott Daugherty, Assistant General Counsel, Texas Bankers Association
We are a state chartered bank in PA trying to attract NOW accounts. Someone suggested giving away $5.00 in state lottery tickets to anyone opening a new account. The face value is under $10, so I believe that we are ok there. Are there any regulations that would prohibit this type of promotion? Once the tickets are given to the customer, does our responsibility end if they win a cash prize?
Is it permissible to advertise a private insurance carrier's logo (indicating additional deposit insurance coverage) next to a Federal Logo (such as FDIC or NCUA)? Example: "Deposit accounts insured up to $250,000 by (private carrier) and Deposit accounts insured to $100,000 by NCUA for a total of $350,000"
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is receiving complaints from consumers who received an email that has the appearance of being sent from the FDIC.