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Real-time check processing and fraud
How can real-time check processing technology support fraud mitigation?
You can’t change Reg E because you want to
How can we shorten the time limits in regard to a customer reporting a problem in for Reg E? Our card agreement requires provisional credit in five business days, so we want the customer to be forced to notify us sooner.
Estates are a Nondesignated beneficiary—what does that mean?
Beneficiaries of an IRA are deceased, does the estate become a beneficiary?
APY accuracy in ads and rate sheets
With high interest rates, we've seen a fluctuation in APYs on our CD products due to our rate sheet and advertisements being static, but the APY can differ depending on the opening amount and date opened, causing a discrepancy from what's posted. Is it sufficient to disclose that the APY is subject to change based on [X] factors?
Financial impact of outdated check processing systems
How does an outdated check processing system negatively impact bottom line performance?