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Paying Expenses from Decedents Account
If you have a single party account without a POD, is there any law that states anything about paying funeral expenses or utilities of the deceased from this account?
Buck Slips
We recently added a feature to our online banking and want to get the message out. We will do buck slips and hand them out to our customers as one way to get the word out. Are we required to add the FDIC and HUD logos to the buck slips we are handing out to our customers on a face-to-face basis?
Logo Size
When using the FDIC and Equal Housing Lender logos together in an advertisement, can one be larger than the other or should they both be uniform in size?
Advertising Questions
(1) Our marketing department wants to run a series of PowerPoint type clips/screens promoting various mortgage products. They would be run only on TV screens set up behind teller lines in various bank offices. Since they are to be used only in bank branch offices, does the FDIC logo need to be included on the individual product screens? (2) The only verbiage on one screen mentions "100% Financing Mortgage," does this trigger Regulation Z advertising disclosures? Any difference with Bank name or without bank name?
Improper LLC Endorsement?
We have a client who has an LLC with us. The title of the LLC is the first three initials of his or her name- Investments, LLC. (example: MMH Investments, LLC). We have all the proper paper work on the corporation. He or she deposits checks made payable to their name into the LLC and endorses the checks with the business stamp. He or she does not endorse the check, but we know the first three initials of the check is his or her name. Is this endorsement a wrong endorsement?