When a cardholders card if flagged for fraud and they refuse to close it until a new card arrives can we deny any claims of fraud for that card after they were made aware of their card being compromises?
Ex: bank calls customer on July10 to tell him his card had attempted fraud and he insists he needs the card left open. Then on July 17 he had multiple transactions post to the card, and he now wants to dispute them. Had we closed the card none of this fraud would have happened.
We had a customer who was attempting to purchase tickets through ticketmaster using their debit card. They were redirected to a different site and proceeded to enter their card information to complete the purchase.
The customer then received a text message of a possible fraud transaction, which was for the dollar amount ($612) that she had just tried to purchase, so she confirmed that the transaction was legitimate. She looked at her transactions moments later and realized that the merchant name for the transaction was not ticketmaster.
She called us the same day and said this may be fraud. She admitted that she was redirected during her purchase. The merchant name is a bitcoin company (transak.com) and we do not have any charge-back rights.
We are wanting to know if we have to take the loss or if we can put the responsibility on the customer since she entered her information in the website and she initially said the transaction was legit? Can you please advise on this?
We were having a discussion this morning at our Compliance Meeting about raising the limit of our POS for our debit cards. Currently, we have it set to $500 and were thinking about raising it to $750 or $1,000. If we would raise the limit to some other amount, would the bank's liability increase? If there is anything you can tell us to reference we would appreciate it.
Can we require a police report to be filed in order to process an ATM Fraud claim where a person lost their wallet and a fraudster was able to withdraw funds from an ATM?
We have a customer who is claiming unauthorized access/use on an Uber and UberEATS account. There are several transactions and customer says he did not do any of these transactions. Customer does admit he has an Uber account, and we can see past usage but he says these recent transactions are not his. Do we, FNBC Bank & Trust, have to process this dispute for him?
Is provisional credit required within 48 hours for a consumer dispute? Such as merchandise not rec, etc.
Regarding the Annual Error Resolution notice required by Reg E, for online statements can this resolution just be added to the website or does it have to be actually sent to each customer with their online statement?
We have customers who initiate the same Reg E wires, for the same amount, to the same country, each month. The required disclosures are read to the customer each time. Can this disclosure requirement be waived if the customer sets up the wire as a Standing Order or sets up the wire to be an STO?
In light of the recent CFPB Consent Order against Regions Bank for charging Authorized-Positive OD fees, help me understand these were transactions that were not related to Reg E Opt In status? In other words, because these transactions had sufficient available balance it would not have mattered what there Reg E status was. Is that a true statement?
We have customers who initiate the same Reg E wires, for the same amount, to the same country, each month. The required disclosures are read to the customer each time. Can this disclosure requirement be waived if the customer sets up the wire as a Standing Order or sets up the wire to be an STO?