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Wonder If They Had A Problem With Reg CC?
In an article in the American Banker May 8,1990, Ann Richards, Treasurer for the state of Texas, talked about how things were done before she instituted electronic funds capability.
Reg E Claims?Reminder
"Reg E" from the Federal Reserve Board limits liability for unauthorized withdrawal to $50 if the institution is notified within two days of a lost or stolen card.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
One of the predictions of banking in the future is "Banks on wheels". The driver will be the teller, and will make regular stops at shopping malls, retirement communities, remote areas, etc.
On The Lighter Side...
The teller at the deposit window of the bank sharply reprimanded a man because he had neither filled out a deposit slip nor put his loose silver in the special little rolls of specified amounts.
Stress In Banking
Marketing is one of the 'hottest' areas in our institutions.