How will float days be determined on imaged items?
How will float days be determined on imaged items?
What are other banks telling their customers about electronic check conversion? There has been no mention of it in the media and customers are coming back to us angry that "we" are destroying their checks and it is "our" fault. We have no idea what the vendors (American Express; Wal-Mart, etc.) are doing with their copies/images of the checks and customers are expecting us to know. Have standards been issued for the vendors as to how long or what they have to do with the check before it is electronified?
Can you tell me what the standard industry practice is with regard to microfilming daily work in the branches? What are the risks of not filming prior to getting the work to the item processing center? How does this practice fit with disaster recovery procedures?
I am in the process of revamping the policies for our IT department. These policies include Information Security Program, Internet Usage, E-Risk, Disaster Recovery, On-Line Privacy, EDP/End User, and Electronic Banking. Do you have any suggestions on where I can get templates for these policies?